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Loot Crate World of Wizardry January 2018 The Ties That Bind


A couple of days ago I received my second Loot Crate this was Januarys box but like Novembers box because of a production delay it was shipped later than normal. Despite the delay for a second time I was still excited to receive the box and here is what I received.

Lying on the top of the box was this Black Family Tree Tapestry Shawl/Scarf, initially I assumed it was a T-Shirt until I picked it up and realised it was too light to be a T-Shirt. When I opened it and realised what it was and sawthe design was the Black Family Tree Tapestry, I instantly fell in love with it.

The second item was a House Tie, a simple thing that most Harry Potter fans have but I actually don't have a tie. I like that the tie for each house has the mascot embroidered on, it is a nice quality tie and something to add to my collection.

Next in the box as soon as I saw this I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was, the Wand Collection Book which I purchased just after my birthday in January and can be seen in my Haul blog post. I had hoped it was going to be something slightly different. If I didn't already have the book I would have been excited to receive it. It is smaller than the original and is paperback rather than hardback but the contents are exactly the same.

The final item in this box was the pin and this month it was Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem which I just love. I have received a Diadem pin before in a Geek Gear box but that was about 3 times bigger than this one. It is another of the Horcrux pins and I love the size and detail of this.

Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem Pin

I have to say I was a bit disappointed in this box, this was only my second box and both boxes have been late and the fact that this box only contained 4 items when it is advertised as containing 5-7 items is a bit annoying. It might have been a bit better if I didn't already own the Wand Book. We did get given a $15 Credit to the Loot Vault Shop as a way of saying sorry when we got told it would be late in January but I didn't see anything worth buying on there at that time and I would have had to pay shipping anyway.

All of the items were exclusive except the Wand Book and my favourite item was the scarf or the pin, I can't decide but I love the design on the scarf.

The theme for the next box is 'Enchanting Essentials' which I should receive at the end of this month and I just hope it comes on time and I'm not disappointed again.

Check out Loot Crate for different boxes and the Wizarding World box for more information and to subscribe.

Hope you enjoyed

Lyndsey xx

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